Whole orchard recycling and replant considerations

Whole orchard recycling and replant considerations

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Brent Holtz from University of California Cooperative Extension in San Joaquin County will visit Australia in January to share his knowledge about Whole Orchard Recycling (WOR). California has been trialing WOR for more than 20 years and has been able to demonstrate improved yield, soil health and moisture retention benefits.

Hort Innovation project AL21000 is examining whether the same WOR benefits seen in California are able to be achieved in Australia.

Replanting is on the minds of many growers, because as 40% of Australian plantings are more than 20 years old.

Riverland – Monday 15 January, Hotel Renmark, 5-7pm

Sunraysia – Tuesday 16 January, Merbein Football Club Rooms, 11am – 12.30pm

Sunraysia – Tuesday 16 January, trial site inspection (corner Cowanna Ave and Second Street, Merbein), 1-2pm

Riverina – Thursday 18 January, Leagues Club, Giffith – 5-7pm.

To register for these events visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LRVD6WN