Entomologist Dr Samantha (Sam) Edley joined the Agriculture Victoria Research team in Mildura in July of this year as a Senior Research Scientist. Working predominantly on the Hort Innovation almond Integrated Pest Management project (AL22003), Sam will work closely with David Madge, Senior Research Scientist – Insect Ecology and Management of Orchard Pests, in undertaking field trials, lab testing, insect identifications and extension, across all aspects of the project, with a focus on almond carpophilus beetle and carob moth.
Originally from the UK, Sam undertook a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Zoology and a Masters (MSc) degree in Environmental Management at Aberystwyth University in Wales. She spent the next few years at the Natural History Museum in London working on parasitoid wasp taxonomy. Completing a PhD in agricultural entomology at the University of Melbourne, Sam then undertook a role at Cesar Australia, working on pests in grains. With a focus on canola, her research mostly involved aphids, their associated natural enemies, and their ability to transmit viruses.
Taking a leap of faith moving to Mildura, having never even visited before(!), Sam has brought a wealth of enthusiasm and new expertise in applied entomology and taxonomy to the almond IPM project. She will be attending the Almond Board Australia conference in October and is keen to network with those in the almond industry. So, if you are in Adelaide for the conference, please say hello!