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Almond industry study tour opportunities

The Almond Board of Australia is organising two overseas study tours and is inviting representatives from the almond industry to submit Expression of Interest to participate.

The first study tour is to Spain and Portugal in May 2025, followed by a visit to California in May 2026.

The project, Almond industry international study tours (AL23004) is a strategic levy investment under the Hort Innovation Almond Fund.

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Introducing Agriculture Victoria’s new entomologist

Entomologist Dr Samantha (Sam) Edley joined the Agriculture Victoria Research team in Mildura in July of this year as a Senior Research Scientist. Working predominantly on the Hort Innovation almond Integrated Pest Management project (AL22003), Sam will work closely with David Madge, Senior Research Scientist – Insect Ecology and Management of Orchard Pests, in undertaking field trials, lab testing, insect identifications and extension, across all aspects of the project, with a focus on almond carpophilus beetle and carob moth.

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Almond industry releases new stats 

New almond plantings in Australia continue to level out while international demand outstrips supply according to the latest statistical survey released by Almond Board of Australia (ABA).  The ABA’s 2023-2024 Almond Insights handbook is a compilation of the annual planting and marketing survey.  

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Australian Almond Position Report – December 2023

Steady rise in Australian almond sales. After 10 months of the 2023 selling season, Australian…

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Senators ignore horticulture industry concerns about Basin Plan amendments

The Almond Board of Australia (ABA) is extremely disappointed that the Senate has voted to…

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ACE orchard officially opened

More than 200 stakeholders attended the official handover of the Australian almond industry’s centre of…

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ABA supports move to manage varroa mite

Australia’s peak body for the almond industry has welcomed the decision to change how varroa mite is handled nationally. Yesterday the National Management Group (NMG) agreed that eradication of Varroa destructor (varroa mite) is no longer feasible based on technical grounds.

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Almond industry releases new statistics

For the first time spatial mapping has been used to identify every almond orchard in Australia. The new planting data features in the Almond Board of Australia’s annual Almond Insights 2022-23 e-publication.

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Industry Update

Australian almond crop down on pre-season estimate The 2023 Australian almond crop has failed to…

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SHV-ASX update

Select Harvest Limited (SHV) has released an update on the progress of the 2023 crop…

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Market Update

Monthly global market reports were published last week by the Almond Board of California and…

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Mumbai Trade Mission 2023

The Almond Board of Australia hosted a networking event at the Mumbai Consulate as part…

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